Our first fundraiser went really well, exceeding our goal by 50%! It took much more work than I had anticipated because my parents had so much stuff to get rid of. It was great to raise money in a way that blessed other people too. My mom is recovering from a broken leg and hasn't been able to walk, much less do many projects around the house (like cleaning out her storage closet and garage). I was able to help them sort through lots of stuff and move most of it out. We also had so much stuff, we were selling everything VERY cheap, even some really nice stuff. We also discovered that Jacob is the salesman in the family. After an hour or so of my mom and I giving everything away for $1, Jacob took over and made sure we actually earned a decent amount. Allie and CJ were awesome too selling stuff for us on the other side of town.
My merch from 147 million orphans did not show up in time. So I can definately take some orders in the future. When I get the stuff back I'll try to organize a sale for that.
A few old friends from my grade school days showed up with their babies. It was so good to see them and catch -up a little.
Thanks again to everyone, you have truly blessed our family. I was thinking about this as I drove to Allie's house to collect tables and funds. Helping us with this fundraiser, through donations, purchases, even prayers, has accomplished so much more than making us feel loved or helping out an orphaned girl. I truly believe that you all have had a hand in something eternal. A treasure in heaven worth so much more than a good feeling. I hope God pleases you tenfold for the way you have blessed us.